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  • Where can I learn how to organize?
    Within the app is an entire section devoted to Organizing Basics. To get there, just tap on "More" and then tap on "Organizing Basics."
  • How many images should I remove?
    It depends, but you'll be much happier if you remove a lot. For comparison, the average Photo Organizer user removes 80% of their images. You probably have 10,000+ videos and photos. With Photo Organizer, you can organize them incredibly fast, but if you save too many, you’ll just create another overwhelming photo library. Don’t sweat removing photos! The original images are still on your phone. You can always add them back to your Photo Organizer saved memories later
  • How often should I use albums?
    You have a lot of images to get through, so don't worry about organizing every image into an album—that would take too long. A good rule of thumb is to use 'Shared' albums when you want your closest family to see the video or photo.
  • How do I delete Removed Images and free up storage? (iOS/Apple)
    The Photo Organizer app does not delete removed images. Instead, it creates a folder in Apple Photos called "Organizer: Removed." You can see all your removed videos/photos there. You can then delete the videos/photos from that album. Here's how: Open the Apple Photos app. At the bottom of the screen tap "Albums" and navigate to the album: "Organizer: Removed" At the top of the screen tap "Select" then "Select All". A checkmark will appear on every image. At the bottom of the screen tap the trash icon. A popup will appear asking if you want to "Remove from Album" or "Delete". Choose "Delete". If you use iCloud Photos, a popup notifies you that the photo will be deleted from all iCloud Photos on all devices. Tap "Delete Photo." Your phone's storage won't instantly increase because deleted images on Apple Photos are not immediately deleted. Instead, they're moved to Apple Photos trash for 30 days. You'll need to empty that trash to immediately free up space on your phone. To empty the trash in the Apple Photos app, tap "Albums" at the bottom of the screen. Scroll down to the bottom and tap "Recently Deleted". It will have a trash can icon. Repeat steps 4 and 5 above. Another popup will appear notifying you that the photo will be deleted and this action cannot be undone. Choose "Delete Photo" and the storage on your phone increases. Please note that once you delete removed photos from your phone, you will not be able to later add them to your saved memories in Photo Organizer.
  • If I delete an image from the Apple Photos app, does that remove it from Photo Organizer?
    When you delete photos or videos from the Apple Photos app, it does not affect your Saved Memories in Photo Organizer. However, it will delete any Removed Images. Removed Images are not saved to your Photo Organizer account, so when they're deleted from your phone, Photo Organizer can no longer display them.
  • How do I speed up the uploading process?
    For your saved memories to upload the fastest, please leave the Photo Organizer app in the foreground (don't switch to another app) and leave the phone unlocked. If you are uploading a lot of memories, you might also try keeping your screen unlocked for a longer period of time. You can change how quickly your phone locks, by going to your phone's settings for Display & Brightness.
  • How do I upload Apple Photos Albums
    Unfortunately, we are unable to upload your existing Apple Albums. We tried this feature, but Apple slows down how much activity any app can do your phone, so the feature operated painfully slowly. Unless you left Photo Organizer in the foreground, with the screen unlocked, it took weeks to upload a few hundred images. Apple does that for good reason; they need to be vigilant about 3rd party apps. We hope that eventually Apple will make an exception for the Photo Organizer App, but until then, we cannot offer that feature.
  • How do I create new Apple Photos Albums?
    Any album you create in Photo Organizer is also added to your Apple Photos app. When you add a video or photo to a Photo Organizer album, the same video or photo is also added to the album in Apple Photos. ​ When you're in Apple Photos, you'll see the albums created in Photo Organizer. The word "Organizer" is added before each album name. For example, a Photo Organizer album called "Mementos" will appear in Apple Photos as "Organizer: Mementos."
  • How do I delete Skipped Images and free up storage? (iOS/Apple)
    The Photo Organizer app does not delete removed images. Instead, it creates a folder in Apple Photos called "Organizer: Removed." You can see all your removed videos/photos there. You can then delete the videos/photos from that album. Here's how: Open the Apple Photos app. At the bottom of the screen tap "Albums" and navigate to the album: "Organizer: Removed" At the top of the screen tap "Select" then "Select All". A checkmark will appear on every image. At the bottom of the screen tap the trash icon. A popup will appear asking if you want to "Remove from Album" or "Delete". Choose "Delete". If you use iCloud Photos, a popup notifies you that the photo will be deleted from all iCloud Photos on all devices. Tap "Delete Photo." Your phone's storage won't instantly increase because deleted images on Apple Photos are not immediately deleted. Instead, they're moved to Apple Photos trash for 30 days. You'll need to empty that trash to immediately free up space on your phone. To empty the trash in the Apple Photos app, tap "Albums" at the bottom of the screen. Scroll down to the bottom and tap "Recently Deleted". It will have a trash can icon. Repeat steps 4 and 5 above. Another popup will appear notifying you that the photo will be deleted and this action cannot be undone. Choose "Delete Photo" and the storage on your phone increases. Once you delete removed photos from your phone, you will not be able to later add them to your saved memories in Photo Organizer.
  • How do I share memories?
    If you choose to share a memory, it's shared based on the faces you tag and any shared albums you add the memory to. Note that tagged faces, are only shared when you associate a mobile number or email to that face.
  • Do friends and family need the Photo Organizer app to view shared memories?
    We designed Photo Organizer so friends and family can view shared memories without installing the app. While we love for everyone to get Photo Organizer, we're not forcing them to. They can simply view shared memories on any internet web browser (Chrome, Safari, Edge, Firefox, Internet Explorer, etc.) Tell them to visit and tap Sign In. To view shared memories on a web browser, they will need to create a Photo Organizer account with an email/password, which can be done on the browser.
  • Can my family or friends add images to an album you created?
    We're considering adding that feature, but are not yet convinced it's a good idea! Our concern is that someone could ruin a well-organized album by dumping a bunch of poorly-organized videos or photos, which is something that happens often in other app's shared albums. Photo Organizer is for ORGANIZED memories, not just sharing every video or photo someone snapped! Contact us if you disagree, and feel passionate about that feature.
  • For albums, what does "hide album from partner" mean?
    When you choose hide an album from your partner, they cannot see or use that album. However, if you add a memory to both a shared album AND a partner-hidden album, your partner WILL SEE the image because it's also added to the album they can access. For example: Chloe has a private album "Embarrassing stuff" that she doesn't share with her partner. She also has a "Cooking" album that she does share with her partner. If Chloe adds a memory to both "Embarrassing stuff" and "Cooking" then her partner can access that image because it's in the "Cooking" album.
  • Can I edit memories added by my partner?
    You can edit any memory added by your partner. 1) You can tag, or untag faces* 2) You can edit the caption 3) You can add or remove albums* *This means you can share a memory with more people than your partner initially intended, so please be sensitive to your partner's wishes. Please note that if you delete a memory your partner added, it deletes it from your saved memories, but it's NOT DELETED from your partner's saved memories. It will remain there, along with any associated face tags and shared albums.
  • Can I delete memories added by my partner?
    Please note that if you delete a memory your partner added, it deletes it from your saved memories, but it's NOT DELETED from your partner's saved memories. It will remain there, along with any associated face tags and shared albums. If you're not happy with how your partner shared the memory, do not delete the memory. Instead, edit its tagged faces or shared albums.
  • What if I accidentally share a private memory with my partner?
    To hide a memory from your partner, simply deselect the "Partner" album. If you forgot to deselect "Partner", tap "Undo" to revert your last save. You can also edit any image already uploaded to your saved memories. Find recently uploaded memories by applying the filter "Recently Saved".
  • Can I disable partner share?
    So you don't want to share EVERY memory with your partner? Trust us, they don't want to see all your memories either! To keep a photo private to just you, uncheck the partner album. You can permanently disable the Partner album by contacting Photo Organizer's support team.
  • How long does it take for partner's memories to appear in my account?
    Partners' saved memories appear in each other's saved memories almost immediately after they're uploaded. If you don't see an image, reload your library by pulling the screen down to refresh. Keep in mind that the size and amount of images, and your network connection, affect how long it takes for images to upload.
  • Will I be alerted when my partner has shared new images?
    Yes, you will receive a notification on your phone. Make sure you've enabled notifications for the Photo Organizer app. On your iPhone, navigate to Settings, then scroll down to Photo Organizer. Then tap on Notifications and make sure "Allow Notifications" is green.
  • Does my partner see images added to a partner-hidden album?
    While organizing, when you apply a private album to a memory, the "Partner" album will become unselected. However, you can reenable the "Partner" album. However, if you add a memory to both a shared album AND a partner-hidden album, your partner WILL SEE the image because it's also added to the album they can access. For example: Chloe has a private album "Embarrassing stuff" that she doesn't share with her partner. She also has a "Cooking" album that she does share with her partner. If Chloe adds a memory to both "Embarrassing stuff" and "Cooking" then her partner can access that image because it's in the "Cooking" album.
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